Sunset delights

Australian beaches are not just beautiful in the day. Actually lets be fair they are just glorious all the time. But at sunset they are particularly stunning

We got to Noosa (in Queensland) about half an hour before the sun started to set. We’d been on the road in our trusty campervan got around 5 hours that day and we were not going to miss the chance of a little dip in the ocean.

So many people were still out enjoying the last of the daylight. Walking, swimming, sitting and building sands castles. The outdoor way of life was summed up right there on the beach.

As the sun started to drop down we sat in the sand and we were  just in awe of our surroundings.

The sky that goes on forever, ocean that goes on even further, colours you that you couldn’t imagine blending into one another, kids arguing with the parents as they don’t want to get out of the water, waves lapping against the shore, cicarders buzzing away in the trees and yet also a peaceful stillness hanging in the air.

It’s moments like this that really sum up Australia to me.

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Travel, photography and lots of laughter

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