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Globetrotters- A Mindful Traveller


This weeks Globetrotter is the ever lovely Lorelle from A Mindful Traveller.

First, off she is one of my favourite bloggers as she has always been so supportive of my blog and I love having her a not only a reader but also a blogging friend. Secondly, she lives in my favourite city in the world and that always gets a huge thumbs up from me.

You can find so much on A Mindful Traveller from travel tips, destinations, road trips to food inspired by said travels. Food and travel what a match made in heaven!

A couple of my favourite posts from Lorelle include the two-part series of a road trip to Melbourne to Sydney. Reading these transported me back to doing sections of this journey so many times. I grew up smack bang in the middle of Sydney and Melbourne so we often stopped in Holbrook or Albury when going to Melbourne and then also would stop in Gundagai (although usually Maccas not the dog on the tuckerbox) and the Big Merino in Goulbourne when traveling to our grandparents a few hours out of Sydney. So many hours of my life have been spent going up and down that highway that it was a treat to read about. I also like these posts as they highlight just how humungous Australia is and show the rural landscape of southern NSW and Victoria which many tourists and travelers don’t always get to see.

Another post which has added yet another destination to my bucket list is this one about Cinque Terre. How gorgeous are those houses in the cover picture!! #instafabulous!

Lorelle’s blog is written in such a lovely style that makes you feel like you are having a cuppa with a friend and chatting about exciting travels and the experiences that you find along the way. Her tone of voice draws you in and it’s just a treat to take a moment and read her posts.

I love that I can introduce you to Lorelle from a Mindful Traveller.

Hi, my name is Lorelle. Wife, mother of two wonderful teenage children, beauty therapist and a passionate traveller, who lives in Melbourne, Australia.
My very first trip overseas was for my honeymoon in 1999 when I was 25 years old. From that holiday, my obsession with exploring and discovering different countries and cultures grew immensely. Travelling as a couple at first and then as a family was quite a contrast, and I learned to embrace these experiences. I treasure these lifelong memories created, as they are the essence of me and my life story.
I am grateful and truly blessed to be able to offer my children a different type of education and life experience through travel. Teaching them about the world beyond and to be accepting of others and diverse cultures is extremely important and I hope one day, they too, will be able to pass these valuable lessons on to others.
I have created this blog to share with you a little piece of my journey, through my life, my explorations and my love of food. These are my unforgettable mindful travels.

What do you enjoy most about travelling?
Travelling gives me the opportunity to discover and explore new and wonderful places in this world.
The one thing I enjoy the most about travelling is having the opportunity to share these lifelong memories with my wonderful family and expose them to our incredible world.

Why do you think travelling is important?
To travel is to open your mind! It’s so important to accept and educate yourself about different cultures and cuisines. While not only broadening our knowledge intellectually, travel also connects us emotionally and spiritually; a whole mindful journey.

Where are you off to next? Or where have you just come back from?
We have just returned from a road trip to Sydney for my cousin’s wedding. A short weekend break, however always a great time when visiting family.
Our next holiday is to Singapore.

What is your favourite photograph from your travels?

Hmmm, this is a hard one, I have so many!
I do love this one though, taken in Dolceaqua, Northern Italy.

Do you have a pre-travel ritual? If so what?
All those who know me well will tell you I am quite an organised person. So in regards to pre-travel, I have many to do lists that I have scattered everywhere throughout the house!
Packing is also organised the week of travel. I can never leave things for the last minute!

Who do you usually travel with?
Always my family. I never travelled alone or with girlfriends when I was younger. I have always travelled with my husband and now with our children as well…. who may not want to be travelling with us in the near future as they are getting older and will soon want to venture out on their own or with their friends!! That’s a whole new chapter right there!

If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?
I would advise taking all documentation, we actually take copies as well and keep another set at home with my parents.
Also, be sure to have multiple outlets of credit. A diverse range of cash, credit cards, and cash passport cards are important, and we always split this between the both of us. Never does one person carry all the cash or cards on their own.

Tell us the most memorable moment you’ve had whilst travelling?
I have a few of these memorable moments, but the one moment that will always stand out is exploring Rome. We were on foot discovering the city labyrinth when we happened to turn the corner and the most amazing sight of the Colosseum greeted us. Truly amazing moment and one I will never forget.

Where is your favourite place that you’ve been to?
Paris is by far my favourite city in the world. We have been privileged to visit this glorious city quite a few times. I love immersing myself in everyday Parisian life. The beauty and charm of Paris captivates me every time!

Where was one place that didn’t live up to the hype?
For me, Barcelona did not live up to its expectations. I found the city to be very European, quite similar to Italy. I remember talking to locals and they had advised travelling further south to experience the “real Spain”. Unfortunately, Barcelona was our only stop in Spain, so our next adventure there will be to explore the rest of the country and maybe Portugal too.

Tell us one place/experience on your bucket list?
Sri Lanka. My parents were both born in Sri Lanka and some of my family are still there, so being able to visit this beautiful country is definitely on my bucket list. Hopefully one I can tick off sooner than later.

What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?
Well, we never travel without my daughters’ teddy bear named “Vodka”. You have probably seen him around on my blog! He has become part of our travelling family essentials! He is a well-traveled teddy bear.

Your go-to/or favourite book/film/tv series that always makes you want to travel?
Definitely reading and then watching “Eat, Pray, Love” always makes me want to plan another holiday…especially to Italy!

What can readers find on your blog?
Readers can find a variety of travel stories experienced through my eyes. I love sharing my knowledge and accounts of my families travels together. In addition to a travel post, I try to incorporate a recipe, which I cook, that links to that previous particular travel post. I love cooking and sharing my recipes as well.

Where does your blog name come from?
It didn’t take me too long to come up with this name. Being mindful is quite important and being able to embrace these experiences wholeheartedly really opens up your mind, puts life into perspective and demonstrates what the important things in life really are!

Do you have a favourite blog post? What is it and why?
My favourite post would have to be on Lourdes, France. Words cannot explain this Christian Holy Site. It was a very spiritual day for us there and one I will always remember forever.

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