Globetrotters- Northern Aussie Mum

This week’s Globetrotters is another from my beloved homeland.  We’ve had lots of Globetrotters but none like Bryony who travels with her whole family, including the dog! Meeting so many different travellers is my favourite part of this series. It shows there is no cookie cutter shape of what a ‘traveller’ is and that it works differently for everyone.

Bryony and her family are planning to head off around Australia in a bus later this year and this just sounds amazing. I am soooo jealous! Imagine the memories they will not only have but also be able to share together.   I their post about why you should pack up and take your kids travelling and sums up all of the benefits both for the children but also for the whole family. You can find it here  My parents took my sisters and I overseas when we were all under 10 years old  (think they were a little crazy to do so!) and that has always had a such a huge positive impact on our lives. Showing your children a different part of the country or the world is an amazing gift to give and one that will last a long time.

You can find a whole host of information on their blog from great places to visit with kids, the planning stages of their trip, tips to travelling with children and other posts on parenting, craft and product reviews.

I can’t wait to keep up to date with their travels around our Island home and see the amazing adventure they are going to have. Blog and social links will be below so make sure you check them out and get following.

Let me hand you over to Bryony from the Northern Aussie Mum…

My name is Bryony and I started blogging when I first became a full-time stay at home mum this was when our youngest son was about 4 months old. Originally it was a creative outlet however it soon transformed into a family travel blog as our plans to escape the daily grind and travel Australia with our 2 boys – now aged 3 and 2, and our kelpie cross dog – Bobby.

What do you enjoy most about travelling?

Everything! And something different every time we do it. Sometimes it is marvelling at the wonders of a natural beauty or a manmade structure, sometimes it is the simple feeling of being free – not having to be anywhere, in particular, speaks wonders to the soul! Sometimes the highlight is finding a brand new red wine to taste, or hearing a great story about a region from a local. Mostly it’s just how lucky it makes me feel.

Why do you think travelling is important?

It helps you realise the important things in life. Not work, or bills, or pressure. It’s about spending time outside, in the moment and amongst your thoughts – where you not only get to hang out with your loved ones but you get to meet yourself a bit more and figure out exactly what it means to relax and enjoy. I think it’s also important to define the word ‘travel’. For me it means exploring – if you don’t get a chance to get overseas then go and explore your own backyard – if you scratch the service you’ll find a hundred things to do and see around you that other people are travelling miles to see!

What is your favourite photograph from your travels?

Impossible to choose just one – not because of any emotions attached to my photos but because I take about 200 photos a day so have an incredibly large database of shots on my computer that I still need to sort out! The one I have chosen is from a bushwalk we did in Cairns. I love it because it was travel in our back yard – and we got to enjoy it with our dog Bobby who is a huge part of our travel team. When travelling with pets you are definitely limited but it takes you off the beaten track and makes you find these amazing spots that are even more enjoyable for the extra effort!

Which is your favourite type of travel/holiday- sun, snow, sea, city, mountains, country?

Australia! Hopefully all of the above – we have no one ideal that we always head towards – for me the old adage rings true – ‘a change is as good as a rest’.

Who do you usually travel with?

Anyone who is willing! Friends, family, pets, tour groups!

If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?

We’re still learning so definitely not sure we’re in a place to give advice just yet – but what I have learned so far is to take only half as much as you think you will need. The kids won’t need toys and you’ll find somewhere to wash clothes along the way so don’t need to pack an outfit for every day.

Tell us the funniest story or a mishap from one of your adventures?

We once missed a flight by 24 hours as we thought that a flight at 00.05 on a Saturday was a flight late on Saturday evening! (yep we forgot that as soon as the clock hit 00.00 it was Sunday already!)

Where is your favourite place that you’ve been to?

We will always be looking for it!

Where was one place that didn’t live up to the hype?

Not found anywhere yet – sounds a bit cheesy but I honestly believe you make your own experiences – you can have as good a time on a local park as in Sydney Harbour.

Tell us one place/experience on your bucket list?

I’d love to see the Northern Lights one day and do a canal boat around Europe. (probably not at the same time tho – I’m not sure that’s geographically possible!)

What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?

The kids and the dog!

What can readers find on your blog?

A light hearted and informative view on travelling with kids and a dog, plus everyday parenting info – coming soon our guide to healthy family eating on the road.

To find more the Northern Aussie Mum hit them up here
