
I can imagine like other bloggers you have several channels at which you put your stories, blogs, photos and content out on. It’s great that we can reach and be reached by so many different people in so many different places, however keeping them all up to date is almost a full time job! 

I seem to be so much better at updating Instagram than my blog. Probs need to work on that.  I try and post every day and maybe more if I’m on a roll. 

I guess  with blogging you constantly doubt yourself if you have anything worthy to say that people want to read and atleast on insta it’s just a nice picture to look and maybe a snappy description. No one has to invest on clicking into reading what you’ve wrote ..and then saved in drafts then rewote and then rewrote again before finally publishing.  I know such a first world problem! 

Anywho back to my initial reason for posting this. I’ve had an exciting this weekend just gone as I surpassed 1500 followers on Insta. 🎉🙌💃 

Woohoo my global domination is starting to take shape. 

If I haven’t lost you in this post yet I’m really keen to know what’s your best/most successful way to reach out to others? Blog? Facebook? Twitter? Insta? 

Oh and if you want to follow me and my excited face below search for thewanderingdarlings on Instagram