What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?


I am an over-packer. Fact!

So when I think about the question ‘What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?’ it makes me shiver. Only one thing surely there is at least 10 things that you have to have, like 5 pairs of jeans for a three-day trip just in case you need them all. Seriously!

Planning for a trip usually consists of the logistics and not always what your taking and I guess more importantly why are you taking it. There has been many a trip when I ‘ve looked in my bag and just thought why on earth did I bring that but then there are other items which I know I always need and they are the first things I pack.

Imagine turning up at the airport with no luggage and just one thing (i shudder at the thought) but what would that one thing be?

It’s a question we ask as part of our Globetrotters Series and I have been thinking about this question and what my own answer would be. Obviously passport, toothbrush and wallet are a given and it would be a pretty boring post if that’s what all the answers were so we’ve collated some of the previous answers and also added in some other bloggers who had other great suggestions. And as for me what would be the one thing I wouldn’t travel without, well you’ll just have to read on…

Camera- The Pamplemousse Papers

I would have a really hard time not having my camera with me, however, sometimes I think I should force myself to go without it here and there! I often worry I’m not as present in the moment as I could be if I were less focused on gathering a collection of images.

Go ProThe Wander of Two

We invested in one of these last year and now we honestly don’t know what we would do without it. It comes on every trip with us and is so easy to use.

Headphones-Her Favourite Food

Travelling can inevitably involve long waits, long journey and essentially a lot of time to fill. That’s why I always need my headphones on me and easily accessible too (remember not to pack them away in the check-in luggage!). Whether it’s on the plane, bus, terminal or even just in a cafe waiting for my next mode of transport, headphones are the ideal accessory to ensure that you can never get too bored! I use them to relax to my favourite music, watch a movie or box set I’ve recently downloaded or caught up with loved ones – headphones make this all possible!

Book-Wanderlusting Hippie

There is a book that I always try to have 2 copies of at any given time. It’s called, “Many Lives, Many Masters” and it’s a book that is very meaningful to me. I love to give away my extra copy when I inevitably run into the person who needs to read it.

A Person-Its All Bee

I have grown rather fond of not wanting to experience places without my fiancé. So…I guess it’s not a thing but rather a someone I wouldn’t want to travel without.

Kindle Adventures In Middle Aged Travel

I read a lot. A. Lot.

And I read fast, so I generally end up reading several books a week. This can be expensive, but it’s an expense I choose to live with. Problem is if I have several books on the go, and I’m going away for a week, am I going to use up valuable packing space with bulky books? Nope.

I bought my first e-reader (a Kindle) back in 2012 and I don’t think I’ve read a paper book since, even though I never thought I would be an e-reader aficionado. A lot of the time I use the Kindle app on my iPad, but for travelling, I use the actual e-reader. Compact, able to hold thousands of books, and with a battery life of weeks, it’s the perfect travel companion for a book lover.

The only drawback is that I can’t read in the bath.

Phone/Google Maps –Sarah + Laura

My phone, but more for camera and map purposes (I appreciate that Google Maps allows you to see where you are on a map without using WIFi or data – super useful when trying to find which direction you need to go.

Power BankGerman Backpacker

The one thing I never travel without is my power bank – mostly, I have at least two with me! The worst thing that can happen to me is running out of battery on my phone when solo traveling, I’d feel completely lost without google maps, whatsapp and emails. Additionally, I can also use it to charge my camera or my action cam if needed. Especially when backpacking in off-the-path countries, there might not always be (working) plugs available in restaurants or even in hostels and since I’m traveling a lot by myself, I need to be organized and have my devices available. I have one smaller power bank which conveniently fits into my pocket, and also a bigger one (with more charging capability) which is great for e.g. multiple day treks and camping without electricity.

I highly recommend getting one for your next trip!

Eye mask & Earplugs – Well Traveled Nebraskan

Whether I’m staying at hostel or a 5 star hotel or regardless of if I have a long haul flight or just a short domestic hop, I never go on a trip without my eye mask and earplugs.

It doesn’t matter if it’s my husband’s snoring or the very thin walls of the hotel that weren’t in the reviews, it seems as though you just can’t go wrong with having a cheap pair of earplugs tucked into your bag. They take up NO room and can save you an entire night’s worth of sleep.

Likewise on an eye mask Especially when traveling internationally your internal clock can be all sorts of out of whack. I love having an eye mask in my bag to help me get to sleep at oddball times to help me get into the right time zone.

I’m all about traveling light and efficient while still having all the “necessities.” Whether I’m staying across town or the world, two things I don’t travel without are my earplugs and eye mask!

Scarf- The Wandering Darlings

I love a scarf. I have over 300 (hoarder) and even if I am travelling to a hot country I will always take a scarf with me. It can literally be used for everything. Pillow, sarong, covering up when visiting temples and churches, blanket, shawl, privacy if changing on the beach, a fashion accessory to change up that tired outfit you’ve been wearing for the whole trip, picnic blanket to sit on and then most importantly it can keep your neck warm.

After reading these answers,  we are curious and would love for you to share below … what is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?

If you would like to read more from our Globetrotter series then click here and even better if you’d like to be involved then send us an email at thewanderingdarlings@gmail.com

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Globetrotters- The Pamplemousse Papers

This week we are welcoming the delightful Caity from The Pamplemousse Papers to our Globetrotters series. I have long been a fan of Caity’s both on Instagram and her blog so I’m so excited to have her involved.

She’s an upstate New Yorker who has travelled to so many places, lived in France and even got to call my homeland ‘home’ for a period. Travelling is certainly in her bones and the passion she has for it is evident in her writing, her stunning photography and how she has put her blog together. Her answers below are so insightful and such a joy to read especially with a freshly made brew. I love that she just wants to share and pass along her tips and tricks. I can sooo relate to the surprise at the Turkish Hammam!

Caity’s blog (links will be below) it’s so beautifully laid out and so stylish.  Easy to navigate, written with a friendly tone and packed to the brim with great content from all around the globe there is so much to love. From packing advice, storytelling and guides for a wide range of destinations you are sure to find something that will help or inspire your next adventure. She just comes so authentic and real. It’s like she’s a friend you’ve known for years sharing her experiences to help you have an even better time. It’s hard to find genuine and real bloggers these days and Caity is certainly one you want to have experienced.

I’ve really got into photo tours these days and this one Beacon Hill in Boston is so picturesque. I’ve never heard of this area of Boston and after reading this post I felt as those I had walked the streets myself. The pictures are so inviting and capture the area brilliantly. Another post I’ve read over and over is Your Mini-Guide to Tulum. More and more people that I know are venturing here and I’m so desperate to get there. This post is only increasing my wanderlust further.

Once you’ve read the below I know you’re going to be desperate to see more from Caity so as usual, we’ve included all links to Caity’s blog and social channels below.

It’s my absolute pleasure to introduce Caity- you’re going to love her! And wait till you read where her blog name came from! I wasn’t expecting that.


Hi there! My name is Caity and I’m a native of Upstate New York. I’ve spent time living, working and wandering in France and Australia. I love to explore new places and then share my adventures: the beautiful successes, the challenging missteps, and everything in between. I’m currently pursuing my goal of visiting 30 countries before my 30th birthday, as well as exploring more of my home country, the United States. I hope you’ll stop by my blog and social media channels and say hi!

What do you enjoy most about travelling?

It’s the little things that end up being the most exciting for me. Exploring a local grocery store, stumbling upon a piece of beautiful street art, soaking up the atmosphere at a café, people watching in a park, and appreciating the local architecture are all things I love to do in any new place.


Why do you think travelling is important?

For me, travel is an exercise in perspective. Everyone has beliefs and impressions that they’ve gained through their life experiences, and these differ so widely throughout the world. I think it’s healthy and important to shake these notions free on a regular basis.


Where are you off to next? Or where have you just come back from?

I’ve had a whirlwind first few months of 2018 visiting friends and family in some of my favourite American cities: New York City, Boston, Washington, D.C. and Chicago. My next international trip is to Portugal at the end of May and I couldn’t be more excited!

What is your favourite photograph from your travels?

This photograph was taken in 2010 while I was teaching English at a summer camp in the tiny French village of Azé. Some of my fellow friends and counsellors took a nighttime walk through the surrounding farm fields. I’m sure my yoga posture isn’t perfect and the image quality isn’t great, but it’s a very fond memory of the small but beautiful moments I’ve been lucky enough to have while travelling.

Do you have a pre-travel ritual? If so what?

As challenging as packing can be, I love the ritual of preparing my carry-on bag. I make sure I have nothing superfluous by paring down my wallet, purse contents and anything else that may have extra items floating around in it. When it’s all ready to go, it’s such a nice feeling knowing my essentials are all in one place and helps me clear my head before I hit the road.


Who do you usually travel with?

I’ve been lucky to travel with a variety of people, from childhood best friends to my boyfriend to family members. Some of my fondest travel memories are with friends I’ve made while travelling that I’ve continued on to new places with. And while I don’t mind travelling solo, it’s definitely not my preference! I love to have someone to share both the good and bad with.


If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?

Don’t be too hard on yourself! There are bound to be aspects of your trip that don’t go perfectly. Maybe you get ripped off. Maybe you get lost. Maybe you don’t have enough time to do everything you were hoping to do. It’s so easy to dwell on the negative, but try not to beat yourself up. Not to mention, it’s often the mishaps that turn into great stories and opportunities for advice later on!

Tell us the most memorable moment you’ve had whilst travelling?

It’s so hard to choose just one, but I love thinking back on the things that now seem so funny and outlandish: Sleeping on the beach in Nice with friends while trying to save money – something we pictured being relaxing and fun but was actually a very cold, rocky and uncomfortable night! Visiting a traditional Turkish hammam with friends from college and not realizing we were going to have to strip down to nothing but bathing suit bottoms. Having to do the same – sans bathing suit bottoms – at a public bath in Iceland. Last but not least, WWOOFing for the first time, which I wrote about here . It remains one of my most cherished travel memories.


Where is your favourite place that you’ve been to?

Another hard question! I think ultimately I’d have to say France and Australia. Those are the two countries where I’ve spent an extended period of time living, working, and studying as opposed to just visiting. The emotional connections I forged with both of them are hard to top. But more often than not, I love the places I visit and am hoping to get back to most of them: the UK, Scandinavia, Mexico, Asia… the list goes on!

Where was one place that didn’t live up to the hype?

My only visit to Spain was a long weekend in Barcelona. One of my friends was mugged, one was pickpocketed, and it rained all weekend, making sightseeing challenging. It was not the most carefree trip, as you can imagine! I would love to get back to Spain (as I realize none of those things are the fault of the place!) and rectify that experience.

Tell us one place/experience on your bucket list?

I’ve visited Italy, but largely cities. I would love to rent a car and explore the beautiful countryside, stopping whenever and wherever I feel like! Dining at Massimo Bottura’s renowned Osteria Francescana in Modena would be pretty great, too!


What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?

I would have a really hard time not having my camera with me, however, sometimes I think I should force myself to go without it here and there! I often worry I’m not as present in the moment as I could be if I were less focused on gathering a collection of images.

Your go to or favourite book/film/tv series that always makes you want to travel?

Ensemble, C’est Tout is one of my favourite movies of all time. It’s set in Paris and whenever I watch it, I long to be in France! For books, Peter Mayle’s series about Provence (A Year In Provence, Toujours Provence, and Encore Provence) is so lovely. I also love Bill Bryson’s In A Sunburned Country, which he wrote about Australia.


What can readers find on your blog?

I love to share tips and recommendations from places I’ve visited, as well as general travel advice, reflections and photos. I’ve been lucky enough to be inspired in the past by so many writers, bloggers, photographers and more – I’d love to repay that favour in any way that I can by helping to inspire others.

Where does your blog name come from?

After much brainstorming, I landed on The Pamplemousse Papers. Pamplemousse is the French word for grapefruit and one of my favourite words in the French language. Pairing it with papers captures my love for France, citrus fruit, writing, language, and alliteration all in one!

Do you have a favourite blog post? What is it and why?

I don’t think I have a favourite post, but it’s always exciting when something I share seems to be especially helpful for readers. After sharing my “Three Days in Pittsburgh” post, I was so happy to see comments from individuals who would never have considered visiting Pittsburgh and were adding it to their bucket list. I love the idea of offering new trip ideas that might never have occurred to someone. Plus, underrated and less-visited destinations are often cheaper and a lot less busy! It’s a win-win.

To see more from Caity check out the following links





To see more of our Globetrotters Series click here

If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?

Seriously, if you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?

It’s a question that when asked you really have to think about. What actually is my one piece of travel advice and  do I need to impart it on the world. Is it something inspiring, something practical, or some romantic notion of travel, something like food for the soul or is just a simple statement. Whatever it is, I think the main thing is to share it high and low. Personal recommendations are valuable and if you were going to book a hotel your likely to check Tripadvisor for reviews and to take someone’s advice on if to stay there or not. People want to hear how what others do and how others travel. It pushes them to think about their own travels and how they can do things different, cheaper, ethically or more efficiently.

After speaking to some wonderful women travellers some of which have been apart of our Globetrotters series, we posed the question- If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be? And they have delivered the absolute goods with top-notch travel advice covering all areas of what you should do to help make your travelling experience the dream you hoped it would be. Hopefully, by reading through these, it might help to inspire you to take that first trip, to try something different on your next adventure, how to pack properly or to just give you some insight to something you may never have thought about.

Read on and see if you disagree, agree or if you know what your advice would be. If you would like to see more from the travellers mentioned below then check out our Globetrotters Interviews or click on the names below to go directly to their sites. We’d love to hear your advice so do leave a comment below.

The Curious Desi
1. Take a spare battery for your gear and a portable battery for your phone. When you are on the go you want to have your devices ready to use so it’s best if you invest in spare batteries.
2. Choose the people you travel with wisely: it’s all too easy to get swept up in a “we should totally do this” moment – only to despair once you realize your travelling tastes aren’t compatible.

Debs World
Sorry, I couldn’t leave it at just one so I’ve listed three!
1. Always dress and pack for where you’re going to not where you’ve come from.
2. Be organised but also be spontaneous and ready to take opportunities should they arise.
3. Don’t live the trip through your camera or phone, put them down from time to time and just soak in the sights with your whole being.

Global Housesitter x2
Just get out there and do it. Take in the most valuable information while doing it, listen to your gut instinct, have travel insurance, small suitcase and patience.

Wanders Hub
Travel often; travel with an open mind and an open heart. That will help you experience different cultures, religions and people in the best manner. Celebrate life and don’t forget to strike conversations with random people you meet on the go.

A Mindful Traveler
I would advise taking all documentation, we actually take copies as well and keep another set at home with my parents.
Also, be sure to have multiple outlets of credit. A diverse range of cash, credit cards, and cash passport cards are important, and we always split this between the both of us. Never does one person carry all the cash or cards on their own.

Lfy and Spice
Don’t think too much – Just go! Most of our travel plans are marred by over-thinking, both before and during the travel.

Gin & lemonade
Be open to anything. Get lost. Look up. Write it down. That’s more than one, but I can’t count!

The Travelling Stomach
There are many ways to get around a new destination, but in my experience, the best way is to strap on some comfy sandals and get walking! Some of my favourite places have been those I’ve discovered completely by accident on my wanderings around a new city. Although I do love taking the lazy option (I prefer to call it the relaxing option…) and grabbing a taxi, you can miss out on so many awesome places when you’re speeding by on the road.

You might find it daunting knowing where to even start walking but there really is no wrong turn to take, and with most of us now owning a Smartphone you’ll never really be lost with Google Maps to hand. Perhaps you’ve got lunch booked somewhere and can add in some extra time so you can take the long route taking the time to meander down quieter side streets, or perhaps you’ll find an even better lunch spot during your walk!

Not only will you accidentally stumble upon lovely hidden gems such as that bar with an awesome view and a quaint local shop during your walks, but you can also save money and keep fit at the same time, plus how can you take that amazing Insta shot out the window of a taxi?!

Digital travel Guru
Plan and research your trip as much as you can before you go, so you have some sort of idea what you want to do and see when you get there, it saves a lot of planning time once there, also check with the locals once you get there, for off the beaten track places. This I always feel maximises my time once in the destination and allows me to see and do more.

Fill my Passport
Be open-minded to everywhere and everyone you meet on the journey. They were placed on this path for a reason. When you must sleep on a dirty overnight train, think of it as a part of the adventure. When you see that woman at the café sipping a latte looking gorgeous and perfect for that inner photographer in you, take a chance and ask her to pose. Life is so short. Take the chances as if it were your last day.

A Walk and a Lark
Taste as many local dishes as you can. It may not look like something you expect to be delicious, but you’ll never know unless you try it!
Also, if you live somewhere for a while, go back and re-try things after you have started to get used to the flavours. I wasn’t keen on maccha and azuki beans when I first arrived in Japan, but now I LOVE them both.
I also think you should attempt to learn some of the local lingo. Even if you are still pretty rubbish, people really appreciate the effort and the world is less bewildering if you can understand more about what is happening around you.

Beyond my Border
Be fearless & have fun

Earths Magical Places
Simple, get out there and do it! We spend so much time sitting, planning and procrastinating when we could be out exploring! Trust me, it’s far better taking the world in with your own eyes rather than ‘liking’ it through Instagram.

Girl with the Passport

One of the best pieces of advice that I can give any traveller is to ditch the rolling bag and get a backpack, or at least a backpack with wheels if you have back problems. Why you may wonder?

Well, I made the mistake of bringing a rolling bag with me on a six week long trip through China. Between lugging the large, over-packed bag through the subway and up and down the stairs of hotels that had no elevator, I was absolutely miserable. Not to mention the fact that the bag always got caught on curbs, the wheel broke, and it got filthy as I rolled through the rain and large puddles.

The moral of the story then is always bring a backpack. Not only is it much more versatile and convenient to carry, but you tend to pack less since you can only pack what you can carry on your back.

So learn from my mistakes and leave that rolling bag home.

Footsteps of a Dreamer
Personally, I feel like some of my favourite and most memorable travel experiences have come from times when I took the courage to step out of my comfort zone. It’s even better if it’s an experience I can’t have at home. When I was in Japan, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to participate in a Noh workshop. I’ll admit, I don’t have much interest in traditional Japanese theatre or theatre in general for that matter. However, it was an opportunity for me to learn more about Japanese culture. I decided to sign up for the workshop and had a fantastic time.

At the workshop, I got to put on traditional Japanese clothing and learn the steps to one of the dances performed in one of the traditional plays. I was surprised to find out how incredibly difficult it was. Did I walk away from the workshop a total theatre geek? No, but I did walk away with a newfound appreciation for the role of theatre in Japanese culture and admiration for the sheer amount of work the performers put into the plays.

My advice to travellers is to consider every opportunity that comes your way.

Stefs Journey

I am a strong believer that sometimes it’s the people as much as the place that make travel meaningful and memorable. My best advice is to mingle with locals while you travel because sticking to tours and itineraries designed for tourists might not give you the most authentic experience of your trip. While traveling, I have made friends from around the world that I have visited in their countries and were more than happy to show me around. They would take me for to Easter at their grandmother’s house, for a drink at their favorite bar or give me a tour on their bike and show me around. While it’s not always easy to meet a person in the street and get a conversation going, the sharing economy in the last few years has made it lot easier to meet with locals. There’s Couchsurfing, where you can meet locals by staying at their place or by simply grabbing a drink with them, there’s MeetUp where you can meet people with the same interests as you and many more sites that connect you with locals.It’s not always easy and It takes some work, but getting out of your comfort zone could make give you a rewarding experience that will make your trip unforgettable!

The Travel Sisters

My best piece of travel advice would be not to overpack. If possible try to travel with carry-on bags only – this will save you both time and money (no checked bag fees, you can avoid the long wait for your bag at the baggage carousel and it makes it easier to use public transportation to and from the airport). Even if you would rather check bags not overpacking prevents you from having to pay overweight bag fees and makes it easier on your back not having to lug heavy luggage around.  I recommend using a travel packing list before your trip to make sure you bring all the items you need and nothing more.  You might want to limit how many shoes you bring as shoes are heavy and take up the most room in a bag.  I also roll my clothes to save space and use packing cubes to keep everything organized in my luggage.

The Wandering Darlings
Get lost and enjoy finding your way back… oh and always make sure your passport and visas are in date

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Globetrotters- Seeking the Spanish Sun

This week our Globetrotter is the lovely Perri from Seeking the Spanish Sun. A fellow expat, however, she swapped rainy Britain for the Spanish sun and I swapped sunny Australia for rainy Britain (think I may have done it the wrong way round). Her goal is to discover and blog about every inch of her new home, Spain. And what an awesome goal to have!

I love a travel blog but my ultimate favourite is discovering new expat bloggers. Seeing a country outside of a week or two on holiday and really absorbing and embracing the lifestyle is a truly awesome way to travel. I enjoy hearing how people adjust and explore a new country is really fascinating and in a selfish way, it makes some of the challenges I face seem a little less challenging knowing that someone else is or has been through the same thing. Spain is such a gorgeous country with some many different areas and Perris’ style of writing really draws you in and it’s like you can imagine being there so much so you find yourself on Skyscanner looking for fights.

One of my favourite posts was a recent one about my favourite Spanish city Barcelona. It’s such an amazing city that has the best of both worlds glorious beaches and winding old city streets. This two-day city guide is a great guide on what to do if you are only in the city for s a short time. I have read this over and over as long to be back exploring Barcelona and have even discovered some places I hadn’t yet seen.

If you are planning a trip, want to move or just need some travel inspiration then you need to check out Perri’s blog. There is an abundance of city guides, local tips, advice on Spanish life and stacks of inspiration to explore all parts of beautiful Spain. I’ve included all links to Peris’s blog and social channels so you keep up to date with where she discovers next…

Let me hand you over to Perri from Seeking the Spanish Sun

Hi, I’m Perri, a 34-year-old Brit living in Spain. I moved from London to Madrid last year seeking the Spanish sun. I am exploring Spain in search of a place to call home and settle down. During my travels, I share everything I see and learn at Seeking the Spanish Sun .

Check out my blog and social media sites for information, tips, guides, and advice on visiting and living in Spain. Spain is truly a wonderful country and it has so much to offer.

What do you enjoy most about travelling?  

I love the excitement of going somewhere I’ve never been before and just exploring. I love trying local foods, seeing how other people live and learning about other countries and cultures. In the past, I always travelled as far as possible and to as many random places as I could. Nowadays I live in Spain and I have dedicated my current travels to exploring locally and see everything that Spain has to offer.

Why do you think travelling is important?  

I think traveling is important because it broadens your mind and teaches you things that you would never learn if you stayed at home. Traveling is exciting, confidence building and eye-opening. Whether it’s a city-break, beach holiday or year’s backpacking trip, I believe that everyone should travel.

Where are you off to next? Or where have you just come back from?  

I just came back from a relaxing winter sun break in Fuerteventura .It’s an Island in the Spanish Canaries, West of Africa. My next trip is to Barcelona, I have been there many times. This will be a few days catching up with friends, drinking, and eating.

What is your favourite photograph from your travels.

This is a photo from my road trip in New Zealand. We drove from Auckland to Queenstown and it was an awesome trip. The scenery in New Zealand is just stunning and every night we stopped at beautiful roadside spots with views like this.

Do you have a pre-travel ritual? If so what?

I write a list of what I still need to pack and what I need to do before leaving. Then I meticulously go through that list and cross everything off. That way I feel organised and know I haven’t forgotten anything.

Who do you usually travel with?  

My boyfriend Brad, we met in Mykonos almost 12 years ago and have been traveling the world together and living in different countries ever since.

If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?

Make a plan, think about where you want to visit and work towards getting there. Try not to get caught up, in big, expensive bucket list destinations. Even if you start small with a few places you want to travel to that are not so far away. Work, save, research, then go.

Tell us the most memorable moment you’ve had whilst travelling?

Christmas dinner in Goa, India is one that comes straight to mind. It was my first backpacking trip and the first time I had travelled outside of Europe. I went with Brad and group of friends and we had the best time! We had no plans, no idea what we were doing or where we were going. We just explored and loved every minute.

The restaurant on the beach nearest our huts, where we had dinner every night, ordered in lobster especially for us and we had one each. We felt like Kings, I had never tried lobster before and the staff thought it was so funny when we all wore our Christmas hats.

Where is your favourite place that you’ve been to?

Caye Caulker off the coast of Belize was an impromptu stop during my travels in Central America and I was so wowed by it I had to extend my stay. It’s a gorgeous place, untouched by commercial tourism where the locals serve rum punch in plastic cups and bbq whatever fish was caught that day.

Where was one place that didn’t live up to the hype?

Hawaii, unfortunately, is somewhere that I felt very underwhelmed by. Maybe it was because I had just seen the un-spoilt beauty of The Cook Islands and New Zealand but I just felt it was too commercial. All of the shops and restaurants were catering to the tourists from the USA.

Tell us one place/experience on your bucket list?  

The Maldives is somewhere that I have to go. I put that top of the bucket list category because it’s quite expensive and such a dream destination. Another experience I would love is to go on a safari in Africa. The next few places I need to visit next are Seville, Asturias, and Mallorca.

What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?

I would never travel without a book. A book is the best thing to keep me occupied while I’m waiting for a delayed flight, while I’m on a long train journey or while I’m just relaxing by the sea. I love to swap my book for another lovingly read, slightly battered, second-hand one as soon as I finish. Passing a good book onto someone else is such a lovely way of sharing.

Your go to or favourite book/film/tv series that always makes you want to travel?  

The BBC tv series Planet Earth always makes we want to travel. They cover so many fantastic and unique destinations in their documenting of animals and nature. Series II, in particular, got me thinking about travel to exotic jungles and islands. The amazing high definition camera work reminds me how big and beautiful the world is.

What can readers find on your blog?  

I started my blog to share all the things I see while exploring Spain and all the things I learned while living here. You can find information on the towns, cities, parks, and beaches that I visit in Spain. Tips and guides on how to get the most out of your holiday or travels in Spain. Plus, some insight on what life is like living here and general travel advice from my experiences.

Where does your blog name come from?  

When I left London and moved to Madrid I was literally seeking the Spanish sun. I was tired of the mostly grey and miserable weather in the UK and was really hoping to find that Spanish sunshine and all the wonderful things that come with it… sangria, secluded beaches, siestas and a slower pace of life.

Do you have a favourite blog post? What is it and why?

I think my favourite blog post is the slightly controversial How to be a good tourist. It’s addressing the issue we have in Spain currently with negative tourism. It includes some very simple ways that we can all enjoy a more conscious and sustainable holiday. It is different to my usual type of post (and I try not to be too negative or bossy) but this is something that I feel we really should all work to improve.

Links to find more from Perri below. Do check them out!






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Does your passport really need 6 months validity?

Yes, yes you do! Especially if travelling to Fiji

Does your passport really need 6 months validity?I’ve been fortunate enough to not really have too many travel horror stories. Sure, I’ve ran for a train (never a plane Dad taught us early how you should always be 6 hours early for a flight!) , lost a boarding pass, misplaced a passport, cut it fine for boarding even with the 6 hour wait time, had a few dodgy character try to take us the wrong way in Marrakech but really nothing too bad or anything too serious that has thrown my travel plans into jeopardy.

Well, that was until recently and spoiler alert it all turned out ok and probably isn’t as dramatic as you might expect but when I was googling for advice nothing came up so I wanted to share my story in case it helps anyone else.

Postcard perfect Fiji- South Sea Island

As regular readers will be aware we’ve recently been to Fiji. Oh, beautiful Fiji -The holiday blues are still sooo raw. Fun fact about Fiji-  you don’t need a visa (for Australian or British Passports) but you definitely need 6 months validity on your passport from the date of departure from your home/departing country.

This is where the problem lay.

If you are like was stressed, cranky and googling everything combination of- passport, Fiji, validity and looking for quick information scroll to the bottom and the answer lies there!

Months ago when we booked our flights my other half said his passport will have less than 6 months validity and asked will it be ok? I (stupidly) was like yeah, of course, they just say 6 months to be careful. Point to note here I hadn’t even checked as genuinely believed that as long as your passport is valid you can enter any country. Of all the places and all the trips, I’d been on I’d never had any issues with this or really never checked about passport validity only about visas. It’s Travel 101 and my error number 1.

We were moving house during this time and were stressed and minds elsewhere so it wasn’t till the night before we were to fly that I checked again and noticed that my other half’s passport expired exactly 6 months to the day that we left London. I text my parents, my sisters, I put a message up in a Travel Facebook group, I googled to page 20 and no one could help or had a definite answer if we were going to be able to fly. Some websites said 3 months, some said 6 months but from the date of when you leave Fiji, and then other says 6 months from when you enter Fiji. No one knew and even when I checked the Fiji website it didn’t specify if it was exiting or entering. I was so confused. It probably also didn’t help that night I hadn’t slept for almost 24 hours so I was pretty highly strung.

I spent the whole 2-hour bus trip to Heathrow on edge. Do we fly all that way and then they say no, do they say no at Heathrow, what’s plan a/plan b/plan c.

Queuing at Heathrow check-in and looking at the desk clerks praying we weren’t going to get the grumpy one that looked a bit of a computer says no jobsworth. Thankfully we got a friendly one. Handed over the passports holding my breath. Then I saw the fingers come out. I could see her counting. 1,2,3,4,5,6. And then the words I didn’t want to hear.

‘We aren’t sure if you can fly today as the entry requirements for Fiji is 6 months passport validity’.

Noooooo. She said to not worry but she had to go check with a supervisor. Longest 3 minutes EVER! She then came back saying as today was the 1st of October and the passport expired on the 1st April we were very lucky with dates as it was 6 months to the day and we can fly.

As much as I was pleased I still was worried he’d get turned away in Fiji. Not the feeling you want to have before you get on a 30 flight. I text my family to relay the good news as they were also on tender hooks about if we’d both be joking for the wedding or just me. My sister then gave us information that I swear should be more accessible as I didn’t find any of it in my googling session. If an airline allows you to board but you are aren’t allowed to enter a country it’s their responsibility to pay for your return flight and they will be fined in excess of £/$10k so they will always be careful when allowing you to board.

So you’d think we’d be on cloud 9 and no worries but I still wouldn’t relax until we were actually there and on the beach.

We flew Heathrow to Dubai then to Melbourne and due to board a connecting flight to Nadi. We’d had no issues up to Melbourne until we got called to the check-in desk over the tannoy. Initially, it was just to get new boarding passes but then they wanted to check Passports. My heart sank. We’d made it so far!! Again the fingers came out. 1,2,3,4,5,6 and then the ‘I need to check with my supervisor and Fiji immigration’. Cue more freaking out and me trying to explain London said it would be ok like that would do anything but thankfully she came back and said it was ok.

My nerves couldn’t take it anymore. I needed a very large glass of wine!

Stepping off the plane in Fiji and I had everything crossed, praying, hoping it would be fine and you know what, no one even batted an eyelid when we went through immigration. Nothing AT ALL!! Just a Bula and have a nice day. There was probably notes on the system but still NOTHING!!

I almost felt cheated and then I remembered we were here and to hurry up and get out of the airport just in case they changed their mind.

Every day is a school day so..

Lessons learned

  • Always check not just visa but passport validity when going somewhere new. I’ve since learned there are all sorts of these validity rules for lots of countries!
  • Make sure partners passport is up to date.
  • Yes, you need 6 months validity on your passport(defo Australian or British) if trying to enter Fiji. Based on the day of your date of departure eg when you start your journey
  • No, you don’t need a visa to enter Fiji (if you have a British or an Australian passport) Please check if you have another passport.
  • If an airline allows you to board they are generally 100% sure it’s going to be ok as if not they need to pay for your return flight and will be charged in excess if £/$10k
  • If British you can get an emergency passport both at home or abroad but you still need a few days before flying to get it sorted and you’ll need to do it as a high commission

Have you had any passport dramas?? Drop them in the comments would love to hear and to also to reassure myself that others can be just as clueless and that I just didn’t miss the travel memo on this.

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Globetrotters – A Walk and a Lark

So we’ve taken a few weeks off with our Globetrotter series (sorry about that!) but we are back tonight and we have a gem of a blogger to share with you. This week it’s the lovely Josy from a Walk and a Lark.

I’ve long been a follower of Josy’s and always read her blogs wondering how her feet keep up with her with all her walking and hiking. I think mine would tell me to sit down and have a cuppa. We share that we are both expats with Josy previously liking Japan and now living in Canada and it’s great to read and relate to someone to who understands the trials and tribulations of living abroad. We also share a huge love of jumping photos and I am so glad she has sent one over to be included in this post.

This year she moved to Canada and as this has been long on bucket list I’ve been pouring through her posts to fuel even more wanderlust to get myself over there. This section on her blog has all the posts you need to know where to go, what to do and where to hike.

I really do love reading other travelers answers in this series and I think Josy’s answer to ‘Why do you think traveling is important’ is one of my all-time favourites. As traveling isn’t always important and that you can have a rewarding life even if you don’t travel. We often need to remember it’s a privilege to be able to do it and that not everyone has the means, funds or interest in traveling and that’s ok. We are all different and what’s important for one person is always going to be different to another and there are other ways to be enriched by the world. Such a refreshing reminder.

And on that note let me hand you over to Josy

Hello! I’m Josy.
I am not sure why I have always had wanderlust, but as soon as I first got a job back when I was 15, I started to save money for air tickets! I have lived in the UK, Japan and now Canada, so most of my trips have been close to those countries. My other love is walking and the outdoors so almost all of my travels include some long walks and thousands of photo opportunities.

What do you enjoy most about traveling?
This is a toss-up between food and pretty scenery! I LOVE to see the varied countryside around the world. When I lived in Japan, I picked up the habit of traveling with plans to eat a specific dish from whatever area I was traveling to. For example, Japanese people would all want to try kakinohazushi (really yummy sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves) when they visit Nara or eat Fugu (puffer fish) when they visit Ise. I love the culture of traveling to eat!

Why do you think traveling is important?
Hmmm…I don’t think it is important per se, but I do feel like I have been incredibly lucky and privileged to have been able to travel a bit. I mean, life can still be rewarding if you cannot travel, it is just the icing on the top to enrich a person’s life. I really think seeing the world and meeting people from different cultures opens my mind.

I am already a pretty cheerful person, but I also find planning my next trip helps make me really happy! It’s something to look forward to, and then something to experience and remember forever!

Where are you off to next? Or where have you just come back from?
At the moment all of my travel plans revolve around friend’s weddings. We just got back from a trip to Ireland (both North and South as the wedding crossed the border!) and my next big trip is for another good friend’s wedding in New Zealand. I am sooo excited to explore the land of the Lord of the Rings!

Having said that, as my husband and I are living abroad at the moment, every weekend feels like an exotic trip! I am having so much fun exploring the mountains near my new home!

What is your favourite photograph from your travels?

This is basically impossible for me to choose! I really like jumping photos and amazing mountains, so I guess I should pick this photo from Italy. A few minutes before the photo the whole world was white and the mountains were shrouded in mist. It is hard to describe how ridiculously happy I was when the clouds parted and this vista appeared. The sound effect that goes with this image is “squeee”

Who do you usually travel with?
Nowadays I travel with my husband, Marc. He loves to explore the world, but he is rubbish at making plans… so I normally make all the decisions, and just bring him along for the fun! He’s the one who takes my jumping photos.

If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?
Taste as many local dishes as you can. It may not look like something you expect to be delicious, but you’ll never know unless you try it!

Also, if you live somewhere for a while, go back and re-try things after you have started to get used to the flavours. I wasn’t keen on maccha and azuki beans when I first arrived in Japan, but now I LOVE them both.

I also think you should attempt to learn some of the local lingo. Even if you are still pretty rubbish, people really appreciate the effort and the world is less bewildering if you can understand more about what is happening around you.

Tell us the most memorable moment you’ve had whilst traveling?
I have so many! This will probably change each time I think of an anecdote!

A few years ago my husband and I were hiking in the Atlas mountains in Morocco. There was a moment when we came over the top of a ridge to look down on the valley below and it was just magical. The colours of the mountains changed from browns to reds and yellows, in large colourful stripes. People had built their houses from the rocks in their area, so the colours of the houses changed in sync with the surrounding mountainside. I had never seen scenery like that before, and it blew me away.

The people that lived in those colourful houses were soo friendly! We walked through a village just as a group of ladies were getting ready for a wedding ceremony. They giggled when they saw me, and brought me inside to join in the celebrations by covering me in henna! My husband and our guide were not allowed in (girls only!) but they could hear our giggles before I returned with some very orange arms!

Another brilliant memory is from Mongolia. We went to stay with a family in their traditional Ger camp. They are nomadic people, following their herds as they cross the steppes. The problem is, they were a little too nomadic for our guide! We had to drive around for a few hours looking for them as they were not in the place we expected!!

Once we’d settled in, the local children came over to play with us, and my brother, George, spun one of them around. The child loved it so much that he then had to spin every single child in the camp! It was hilarious watching them collapse into dizziness and giggles. Their parents welcomed us with their “beer” and “vodka” made from fermented horses milk. It was pretty gross, but still fun to try.

Where is your favourite place that you’ve been to?
This has to be Japan! I love the gorgeous mountains, the ancient culture with all the temples and shrines, the fooooood, the festivals and the people. I studied Japanese at university, so have lived there both as a student as well as working for a Prefectural government. I have so, so many amazing memories from my years there. I could easily write this entire post just about my experiences in Japan. I also have many good friends there that I hope I’ll stay in touch with for the rest of my life.

Where was one place that didn’t live up to the hype?
Marrakesh. I thought the city was beautiful and loved the food, but I hated the way people treated tourists there. It just seemed like everyone was pushy or attempting to rip us off. I had a horrible experience with touts and it made me want to hide in our Riad and keep away from the streets. In the end, the stresses didn’t stop me exploring, but I never felt safe while we were there.

Tell us one place/experience on your bucket list?
I would love to go walking in the mountains of South Korea and eat some of their gorgeous food. I studied Korean several years ago, and although I have forgotten most of it, I can still read Hangul. I’d LOVE to explore and see if I can actually understand anything there!!

What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?
Walking boots (or at least comfy shoes that I can explore in!) My favourite part of visiting a new area is finding a map and planning a walk!

What can readers find on your blog?
I started my blog to document some of our pretty walks around the UK or on our travels. Since then I moved to Canada, so I’ve been documenting the amaaaazing scenery around Vancouver in British Columbia. I take far too many photos and find it difficult to cut down, so my blog is full of the vistas that have taken my breath away.

Where does your blog name come from?
My long-distance walking started with the Capital Ring through London. This is a 126km trail which goes through parks and pretty areas of London. I started planning the blog as we walked through the parks on this route. Originally I thought about calling the blog “a walk in the park”, but then when my husband suggested “a walk and a lark,” I liked the sound of that better.

Do you have a favourite blog post? What is it and why?
This changes all the time! At the moment I love my post about the Honen matsuri (penis festival) just because it’s fun to share a funny side of Japan that less people know about! I also adored writing about our fantastique walking holiday in Italy. I tried to fit it all into one post, but had so many photos to share that it expanded into a whole mini-series of posts!

To find more from Josy check her out here


5 places you must visit in North Carolina

What is the first thing you think of when someone says, North Carolina? For me, it the beach or the mountains. The first time I went to North Carolina, I went to the Wrightsville/Wilmington area. I spent all of 30 minutes there before my husband and I had to pack up and leave for a family emergency. I was amazed that North Carolina truly has the best of both worlds, the mountains, and the ocean. Currently, I reside in the middle of both of the two areas. Let me tell you it is so great to live in between, weekend trips are a must in our household. If you have never been to North Carolina, let me tell you 5 amazing places to visit if you do want to go. If you have been to North Carolina, but have never been to these 5 places I highly recommend them for you.

5 places to visit in North Carolina. Different Frame of Mind Blog guest post on The Wandering Darlings

1. Raleigh

I have lived in Raleigh for over a year now and love all it has to offer. The town is settled in between the mountains and the ocean. The city life is very fast paced, with plenty to offer. To get to the mountains it takes about 3 to 4 hours. The closest beach is Wilmington which is about 2 hours depending on where you are staying in Raleigh. There is North Hills shopping center, also Brier Creek shopping center which both have plenty of places to choose for eating and shopping. There are a few lakes in Raleigh, the picture below is Falls Lake. The best entrance to go to is located off of Creedmoor road. There are a few breweries and wineries located in and around Raleigh. The city is full of places to go and see, I still have yet to discover them all.

5 places to visit in North Carolina. Different Frame of Mind Blog guest post on The Wandering Darlings

2. Wrightsville/Wilmington

Wrightsville/Wilmington area is one of the most popular beaches in North Carolina. This is because it is the closest to the major city of Raleigh, North Carolina. This town has a lot to offer in ways of shopping, eating, and attractions. There is the aquarium that will keep you busy for hours. There is a battleship called USS North Carolina. I highly recommend going when it is not scorching outside due to it not being fully air conditions but they do have fans going. The cost of getting in is pretty inexpensive and there is always volunteers around to answer any of your questions. For a fun-filled adventure packed weekend, I would go here in a heartbeat.

3. Asheville

I spent less than a few hours in this town and it already had me hooked. Asheville is nestled in the mountains and is a cute town. The picture below is the entrance to the Biltmore Estate. The Biltmore is a bit pricey to get in but well worth the tour. The Great Smoky Mountains are located in and around Asheville. These mountains are breathtaking if you have never been, I highly recommend going in the fall when the leaves are changing. Asheville is a place I would go back to time and time again.

5 places to visit in North Carolina. Different Frame of Mind Blog guest post on The Wandering Darlings

4. North Top Sail

I have been to North Top Sail two times on our beach weekend trips. North Top Sail is one of the less crowded beaches in North Carolina. While you walk along the shore you will find plenty of seashells, shark teeth, and other various objects. There is North Top Sail, as well as Top Sail. My husband and I felt that North Top Sail had more to offer in the way of restrooms, places to eat and etc. If I am looking for a quieter beach to relax at, this would be the beach I would choose hands down every time.

5 places to visit in North Carolina. Different Frame of Mind Blog guest post on The Wandering Darlings

5. Outer Banks

Outer Banks or OBX as most call it is very popular. Most people in North Carolina continuously mention OBX as their vacation or weekend destination. There was so much do and see in OBX when I went, I am dying to go back. The lighthouse located on Cape Hatteras Island is huge. They recommend coming when it is not too hot outside, as the lighthouse is not air-conditioned. There are several beaches to relax on in the Outer Banks, some more popular than others. We took a stroll around the Pea Island National Wildlife Rescue. The views were pretty and the staff was so kind and helpful. I would definitely go back time and time again. There is always something to do in the Outer Banks.

5 places to visit in North Carolina. Different Frame of Mind Blog guest post on The Wandering Darlings

This post was kindly written by a lovely Wandering Darling- Ariel from Different Frame of Mind Blog. I’m sure you loved what you’ve read as much as I have so check out her blog and social with the links below for more great information and inspiration

Author Biography

Ariel from 5 places to visit in North Carolina. Different Frame of Mind Blog guest post on The Wandering Darlings

My name is Ariel and I am the creator of Different Frame of Mind blog. My blog focuses on travels with little funds, medical and psychological disorders. I was born in Kansas but currently, reside in North Carolina. I am married and have two wonderful puppies.

I am a bucket list traveler and have plenty to still check off. I have been on a cruise, traveled to 34 different states, swam with the dolphins and so much more since 2010. Join me on my journey on one of the social media links below.






Xoxo, Ariel

Creator of Different Frame of Mind blog

5 places to visit in North Carolina. Different Frame of Mind Blog guest post on The Wandering Darlings

Globetrotters- Molly the Gypsy

This week’s Globetrotter is the delightful Molly from  Molly the Gypsy

Molly is soo similar to me in that she loves traveling and she loves the gram. She married these two together and created her blog around travel advice and stories and hints and tips on how you can step up your Instagram game.

I love that her favorite photo is of a lightning strike. I once spent a whole afternoon trying to get a similar shot but out to sea (as we were on a boat) and my aunty even said she would get me an iPad if I managed to catch it. Alas, my finger was not quick enough but Molly’s was so do check it out below.

My other half has mentioned a cruise holiday to me a few times but we were never sure which area would be best so this post here was so helpful. So nice to read an honest review on each place.

Another post of Molly’s I also enjoyed was how to score a hotel upgrade and going to try her tips on our next holiday Fingers crossed! Who knew it could possibly be as easy as just asking!!

So without further ado here is Molly from Molly the Gypsy

I started traveling as a child with my mother. She would take me on cruises or across the country. When my aunt moved her family to Italy it occurred to me that you could leave the country. Somehow it hadn’t occurred to me before that. I began international travel as soon as I could afford it and have never stopped. I’ve been to 36 countries and 49 US states so far, with so much more still left to see and do. I love to help others live their dreams and face their fears, which is how my Instagram and blog were born.

What do you enjoy most about traveling?

Cultures, adventure and people all fascinate me. I’ve always had an insatiable appetite for new experiences.

Why do you think traveling is important?

It’s easy to believe that the world is like you if you don’t venture into it. By exploring, you discover how many incredible different worlds exist within our own.

Where are you off to next? Or where have you just come back from?

I just came back from a drive through the United States. Next trip will be a cruise to Mexico (and maybe Cuba) for Thanksgiving.

What is your favourite photograph from your travels?

note-picture is coming!

All my life I wanted my very own lightning shot. Finally, off the coast of Greece, I was able to capture an INCREDIBLE shot showing several lightning strikes from two different storms in the distance. I used a slow shutter speed, so it captured several of them, including their veins. It’s my favorite!!

Do you have a pre travel ritual? If so what?

I pack light, pray and double check my list. I then always text my mom and bestie when I leave and arrive. It’s become a tradition.

Who do you usually travel with?

I use a TINY swivel suitcase (small enough to fit on even commuter planes) and a purse. That’s it.

If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?

Go. Just go. Don’t worry about the when, where, why, how, etc. The world is waiting for you and life is far too short to see it all. Just. Go.

Tell us the most memorable moment you’ve had whilst traveling?  

That’s rough. My life is filled with beautiful memories from all over the world. One of my favorite memories is walking the streets of Pompeii. I’d wanted to see it all my life and standing there, walking the road, sitting in the brothel, seeing the bodies and taking in the enormity of what happened was a life-changing moment for me.

Where is your favourite place that you’ve been to?

Istanbul. The city is beautiful, the people are so friendly and funny, the coffee is incredible, the food is perfection and it’s the only city that spans two continents.

Where was one place that didn’t live up to the hype?

Niagara Falls. I landed at night and our taxi driver took us to the falls. I looked out and said, “Oh those are cute, but where are the real ones?” Those were the real ones. SUPER underwhelming. They’re pretty but SO little. I really expected them to be larger than life. They weren’t.

Tell us one place/experience on your bucket list?

I have only been to 36 countries, so there’s a ton more to see. A few I cannot wait to check off are Thailand, Barcelona, Cape Town, Sydney, Auckland, Prague and Auschwitz in Poland.

What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?

My inhaler. I’m an asthmatic and it’s literally the only thing I don’t go without.

Your go to or favourite book/film/tv series that always/ makes you want to travel?

Eat Pray Love and Tales of a Female Nomad are my super amazing, pro women, travel time books. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE them. I watch the movie all I can and wish they would make Tales into a movie as well.

What can readers find on your blog?

mollythegypsy.com was born of a love of both travel and Instagram. I LOVE that Instagram, unlike Facebook and the like, is just pretty pictures. I love how easy it is to follow people you like and to feel like you’re traveling the world with them. My blog is a celebration of that and helps people to either set up their own following, etc. or to find advice on best cruises to take or what to do in Puerto Rico.

Where does your blog name come from?

I’m Irish by descent, so being a gypsy or traveler is something in our blood. I’ve been described as a gypsy most of my life, so the name just kind of happened.

Do you have a favourite blog post? What is it and why?

I don’t. I think each one has a purpose and can help different people depending on their need. I try to ensure that my posts will be of benefit to someone.

To find more from Molly check her out here




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Globetrotters- Earth’s Magical Places

This week’s wonderous Globetrotter is Rachel from Earth’s Magical Places.

I always love finding blogs with interesting names and Earth’s Magical Places is no different. You can just tell there is a story behind it. Anyone that has the goal to journey to see the magical and beautiful places on this planet we call home gets a big high five from me.

Reading Rachel words, finding out more about her travels and seeing her photographs you wouldn’t expect that she is only a 19-year-old traveller. Not that age matters but it’s great to read about someone wise over their years and isn’t expecting the world to give her a favour but is instead going out and working hard to achieve her goals. #slaygirl

I loved this postpost from Rachel about if we should be letting terror stop us travelling. I wrote a similar one around the same time and both of us have the same view point. We can’t let terror stop us from going to new places or stop us from our living our lives. Rachel discusses it so eloquently and respectfully with her words.

I also am always in awe of anyone that can travel solo as it takes a lot of guts to set off on an adventure on your own. Rachel has a great post here about how to meet people when you are travelling solo.
The two links above are just two of my favourite of Rachel’s posts but you can also find a whole host of information on her site including accommodation and flight reviews, destination guides, travel information advice posts, lust worthy snaps and a true and honest voice. I’ll include links to her blog and social below so you can check them out for yourself.

So with my absolute please here is Rachel from the Earth’s Magical Places.

Hi, I’m Rachel, a 19-year-old student and part time adventurer with an ambition to see as many of our planets ‘magical places’ as possible!

Whether that be a whole country, city, mountain range, beach or isolated village, I believe our world is full of beauty and wonder that I’m just dying to see…

What do you enjoy most about travelling?
I’d say that what I enjoy the most about travelling is stepping off a plane and instantly being greeted by the smells and sights of somewhere new… It helps that every corner of the globe is constantly leaving me speechless, thanks to the beauty of mother nature and each country’s strikingly different architecture and culture!

Why do you think travelling is important?
There’s a cliché that people go travelling to ‘widen their horizons’, but I actually think that this is so important! Travelling to cultures that are different from your own opens your eyes and makes you think twice before prejudging someone.

What is your favourite photograph from your travels?
Hmmm, this is a tricky one! But I’d have to say it is this photo taken in LA

It’s the first time I looked back after taking a photo and thought to myself ‘damn that looks pretty cool’. Ever since I’ve fallen in love with photography almost as much as travel itself…

Which is your favourite type of holiday? Sun, Snow, Sea, City, Mountains or Country?
Is ‘all of the above’ an acceptable answer?

If I had to choose though… Sun! The British summer of two hot days whereby everyone in the country freaks out buys a barbecue and gets the inflatable pool out before it clouds over and inevitably rains for the rest of the month, is just not enough sunshine to meet my needs!

Who do you usually travel with?
Having only just turned 19, the majority of my previous travels have been with my family. My parents both share my love for exploration and so growing up I was lucky enough to visit many destinations in Europe over the summer holidays!
Throughout the last year, however, my travelling company has been limited to me, myself and I! I love the freedom of solo travel, being able to go wherever and do whatever you want without having to worry about anyone else is rather liberating. However, I can imagine it gets pretty lonely on longer trips. But, in the short term, a good book and the latest Netflix series are all the company I need!

If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?
Simple, get out there and do it! We spend so much time sitting, planning and procrastinating when we could be out exploring! Trust me, it’s far better taking the world in with your own eyes rather than ‘liking’ it through Instagram.

Tell us a funny story or mishap from one of your adventures?
During a recent trip to Los Angeles after a morning spent in the deceivingly cool fog of its famous hills, I returned to the hotel for a little R&R by the pool… Little did I know that my feet had been sizzling away in the sun and only continued to do so pool side. I’d completely forgot to put sun cream on them!
It was only in the evening that I realised how red they’d become… I resorted to covering them in Aloe-Vera and wearing socks to keep in the moisture (it was a good look). Although not necessarily funny at the time, and still debatable now due to the pain suffered, it was certainly a mishap! Moral of the story? Sun cream is important EVERYWHERE… I am now extra vigilant, not an inch of skin is left uncovered… Or, I just cower in the shade like a true Brit 🙂

What is the favourite place you’ve been to?
Without a doubt, Yosemite National Park (California). I have never been so overcome by beauty in my life! I can’t describe to you how stunning this place is: towering trees create a sea of green, while its rivers are clearer than diamonds! All this is framed by colossal rock formations and pristine meadows.
I’d recommend a visit to anyone, certainly something to make time for if you’re ever in California!! I made a full post on my time on Yosemite here

Where is one place that didn’t live up to expectations?
Before the feet burning incident in LA, I explored Hollywood Boulevard. As a big fan of the series 90210 and film in general, I’ve always romanticised Hollywood. I’d naively assumed that it was the height of glitz and glam…. And that I’d surely bump into Sandra Bullock (other actors are available) walking down the street.
Unfortunately, this was not the case, the streets were dirty, grubby and crammed with tourists, all of whom were pushing and shoving people out the way. Meanwhile, street vendors and people dressed as superheroes tried to sell you tacky souvenirs, or a picture, every five steps.
There’s simply no sense of magic and charm. Whatever this area had back in the 1940’s is sadly long gone… So yeah, not worth going and so over hyped!

Tell us one place or experience on your bucket list?
New York is top of my Wish-List! A love affair with Gossip Girl ignited my desire to visit this iconic city… While this may not be the most accurate portrayal of life in New York since 2010 I’ve fantasised of the day I’ll get to walk the streets of the Upper East Side and Brooklyn or lose myself in central park.

What is one thing you wouldn’t travel without?
My phone! I’m ashamed to admit that I’m a millennial through and through! I would be lost without my phone on my travels…

What can readers find on your blog?
Readers will find stories from my travels along with helpful guides and reviews… Basically, anything to do with my adventures around the globe!
All such posts are of course accompanied by envy inspiring photos, my honest (if sometimes brutal) opinion and a sprinkling of British sarcasm 🙂

Check out more from Rachel here

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Globetrotters – Gin & Lemonade

This weeks Globetrotter is the hilarious Lorna from Gin & Lemonade.

Like myself, Lorna is an expat. Hailing originally from the U. S of A she is has been residing in bonny Scotland for many years. We’ve bonded over shared expat stories, love of travelling and putting our thoughts and ideas down on a computer screen. She is utterly hilarious with her writing style and it always feels like I’m reading notes written by a friend when I read her words. She is literally loving life and that feeling jumps out of the posts.

Another thing which you will learn quickly about Lorna is that she always travels on two wheels. Like always. As a wheelchair user, she is rolling her way around this globe. I can imagine that it’s probably not the easiest in all parts of the world but that doesn’t stop her from getting out exploring new places and on the plus side she doesn’t have to carry the suitcases.

One of her recent posts which I loved (and will possibly steal the idea to do a similar post myself) was her top 17 Travel Memories. I don’t think mine could ever match some of hers. Thankfully I didn’t have to learn the hard way that a bidet isn’t a sink for small people.

Lorna’s been blogging for donkey’s years and checking out her blog won’t just give you posts about travelling, you can also find lots of stories about love, life and reading. There is so much to discover and all of it is coated with her fabulous style. Once you’ve had a read you will be hooked.

So let me introduce you all to Lorna.

Hi, I’m Lorna, a 30something American living in Scotland for nearly 25 years. I write, I read and I live quite happily with my husband, our daughter, lots of books, a few fish, and computers called Hemingway, Truman, and Frank. I’m a wheelchair-user fuelled by coffee, humour, and passport stamps. I’ve been blogging at Gin & Lemonade since 2010.

What do you enjoy most about travelling?
I love the excitement of going somewhere new, getting lost somewhere new, eating somewhere new, drinking coffee somewhere new. Traveling is an adventure and a clean slate where anything can happen.

Why do you think travelling is important?
I’m a huge fan of shaking up routines and looking at life and all things from different angles. Filling up notebooks with new words. Traveling, anywhere, helps me do that.

What is your favourite photograph from your travels?

This is my husband and me on the Barcelona end of our Bruges and Barcelona honeymoon. I love how relaxed we look, after all the wedding shenanigans. I often flip back to this photo when I need peace from other shenanigans.

Which is your favourite type of travel/holiday- sun, snow, sea, city, mountains, country?
Can I have a little bit of everything? Seriously, I enjoy where ever I go. That said, now that my family and I live in the country, I have a new appreciation for vibrant city trips.

Who do you usually travel with?
I went on some epic journeys with my Dad as a kid. In my twenties, I travelled alone or with at least one friend. These days, my best travel buds are my husband and our three-year-old daughter. And our travel-mascot George Bailey-Penguin.

If you were to give one piece of travel advice what would it be?
Be open to anything. Get lost. Look up. Write it down. That’s more than one, but I can’t count!

Tell us the funniest story or a mishap from one of your adventures?
I fell off a toilet in Pisa, Italy. I wasn’t even drunk. And I’ve made all the jokes so you don’t have to.

Where is your favourite place that you’ve been to?
I have several. I love Florence and Prague. And Bruges. And Norway. And Edinburgh and Seattle. And New York. I told you, I can’t count.

Where was one place that didn’t live up to the hype?
PARIS. Except for Shakespeare & Company Bookshop.

Tell us one place/experience on your bucket list?

I’d love to take my husband and daughter to see penguins in New Zealand. Or Antarctica. As for me, I’d like to go to New Orleans. And see more/all of Italy.

What is the one thing you wouldn’t travel without?
My wheelchair. My family. My notebook(s).

What can readers find on your blog?
I write about life, love, travel, and books. All on wheels.

What is your favourite post on your site any why?
I’ve been blogging for 7 years in August. My favourite is still A Path of Pebbles,
where Neil and I decided to get hitched. By mutual agreement. Or something. You’ll also find passport stories on my post, Dude, Where’s My Passport?

To find more from Lorna check out the below

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